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About Us

What is the Four Seasons Trail Association?

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of healthier lifestyles for the people of this community.  Participation in this association is open to anyone interested.  We hope to make the Four Seasons Trail project a community wide effort and all are welcome.  The Board of Directors meets as needed to carry on the affairs of the Club, but usually tries to meet at least once  a month.  Meetings are chaired by the Club president, occur at the Lodge and are  are noted on the Lodge calendar .  All meetings are governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.


Lodge Address:

4 Seasons Lodge

425 Spring Street

Madawaska, ME 04756

Mailing Address:

4 Seasons Lodge

PO Box 313

Madawaska, ME 04756

Who are the individuals that make up the 4 Seasons group?

Although use of the Four Seasons Trail is free, membership status and the right to participate and vote in meetings requires annual dues.  Admission to the club is open to any individual or family and can be done at anytime.  The following members hold leadership positions for 2025/26.


Colin Jandreau


Vice President

Andrew Martin


Secretary and Membership

Lise Howson



Lee St. Onge



Executive Director

John Ezzy


Lodge Reservation

Anne Ezzy


Youth Ski Director

Sonya and Robert Poiesz

Youth Ski Rentals

Colin and Gina Jandreau


Trails and Finance Committee

Andrew Martin



Gina Jandreau


Club Historian

Colin Jandreau

Madawaska Recreation Department

Why have we formed?

Throughout the country small towns face economies in decline and increasingly unhealthy lifestyles throughout its population.  There are few and fewer activities within the financial reach of most families and little or no opportunities for our children to remain in the area once they reach adulthood.  The Town of Madawaska and the Four Seasons Trail Association have chosen to meet these challenges head on.  We feel that by providing first-class outdoor facilities and programs for all sectors of the population we can promote healthier lifestyles and create economic opportunities that take advantage of the natural beauty of the region.

What has Four Seasons Trail accomplished?

Designed, constructed, and currently overseeing a multi-use trail and lodge complex, which is free for public use.  The activities and facilities supported by this complex include, but are not limited to, the following:  Cross country skiing, mountain biking, snowshoeing, walking/hiking, interpretive nature trails and other related activities.


How is the community benefitting?

Healthier Lifestyles:  Our facility and programs are for all sectors of the population.  From youth ski instruction to regularly scheduled activities for retirees, we make programs and equipment available to everyone.  interpretive nature trails help people of all ages in the area develop or rekindle an appreciation for the natural beauty of this region.  We also plan and promote social events based around outdoor activities in an endeavor to make our facility a component of everyday life for the citizens of our community.

Economic Development: 

Outdoor recreation can be an important part of the economic future of this region.  Through the efforts of Maine Winter Sports and others in Northern Maine, we have already received international attention.  With our own facility, Madawaska is now able to take advantage of this recognition and join in what is becoming a truly regional renaissance.  Northern Maine’s economy has always been driven by its natural resources and this will be no different.  We live in an unspoiled paradise and the world is starting to take notice.  Madawaska has an opportunity to take an important first step in securing a brighter future for its citizens.

A Sense of Community:

One of our most important goals is fostering a sense of pride in being from this area.  To that end we have to involve people from as many walks of life as possible in the planning, development and operation of our trails and facility.  Educators, local government, business persons and any other interested citizens have been encouraged to join in the effort to accomplish our goals.  if we work together, we can create something everyone will be proud of.

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